Distance and Online Reappear Form
Important instructions/terms to be agreed as you try to fill the exam form.( जब आप परीक्षा फॉर्म भरने का प्रयास करते हैं तो महत्वपूर्ण निर्देश/शर्तों पर सहमति होनी चाहिए। ):
- Students are advised that before submission of online examinations form and fee, they must check/ensure their eligibility, and in case of any doubt, they must confirm it from the Distance Result Branch concerned.
- If any "INELIGIBLE STUDENT/CANDIDATE" submits his/her examinsation form and fee without ensuring his/her eligibility, then he/she will be solely responsible for the same.
- The examination fee once paid is neither refundable nor adjustable for any course or the subsequent examination under any circumstances. The examination form alongwith the examination fee once submitted shall not be permitted to withdraw.
- The examination fee structure will be applicable as per University norms .
- * If your payment status is pending or amount has been debited from your account but you coudn't download successfull form filled receipt then wait for transaction settelment before trying repayment.
- Kindly avoid last minute rush to fill the exam form.
- Exam schedule/Form Dates:
- Without late fee upto 04-01-2025
- with late fee of Rs.500/ upto 10-01-2025
- with late fee of Rs.1000/ upto 14-01-2025
- with late fee of Rs.5000/ upto 17-01-2025 (In Exceptional case with the VC approval)
If you see warning as shown above kindly click on "Send Anyway" button.
- If no results or partial result found then kindly contact result branch immediately on 01662-263395 before last date.
** Student(s) as you try to fill the exam form, you agree to all the terms & instructions mentioned above and by the University.